Why Success Always Starts with Failure (with Tim Harford)

Why Success Always Starts with Failure (with Tim Harford)

When: Thursday 18 April 2013

Time: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

Where: London Business Forum

£250.00 + VAT

Speaker Tim Harford is not a person who puts his faith in quick fixes or easy solutions. According to him, there are no easy solutions for the complex challenges we face in business today. Tim will explain his theories as to why people must adapt to survive and prosper in our complicated and unstable world. In order to cope with the unpredictable, Tim will reveal why he believes that his trial-and-error processes are so important, and why he thinks we must improvise rather than plan for business success.

At this event, Tim will explain a new and interesting approach he has developed to solving the most pressing problems faced by all of us in any organisation.


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