One Revolution One Model

A model tested in the west now applied in the east and in a country with the one of the largest populations in the world, India. It has 74% literacy rate, which is respectable however, it falls below than the average 84 % world’s literacy rate and has one of the slowest growing literacy rates.

ome shocking facts show that only 60 percent of those who go to school complete their primary education and only 10 percent go to the higher education. (Teach for India, 2012)

These were intense facts and figures that derived some young enthusiasts who came together and started a not-for-profit organisation called Teach for India. The model taken from Teach for America, a one-year pilot carried out by McKinsey & Company to determine the feasibility. The results of the pilot showed affirmation and Teach for India never looked back. It was launched in 2009 and now has more than 370 fellows impacting lives of 12,000 primary school students.

[quote align=”center” color=”#b64736″]“Teach For India has the potential to have a possibly greater impact in catalyzing and developing a movement to provide all of your country’s children with the opportunities they deserve.” 

Wendy Kopp, CEO and Founder, Teach For America[/quote]

Fellows who dedicate two years to teaching in teach for India come from various backgrounds and experiences, IITians,( IIT Graduates) IIMs, St.Stephen’s, St.Xavier’s, Christ University, Presidency College etc graduates and many consider a sabbatical from companies such as Accenture, McKinskey, Mahindra & Mahindra, IBM, Ernst & Young, Schlumberger etc.

Their revolutionary model is based on transformation of self, class, school and country. To become a Teach for India fellow :Follow the link Applications for 2013 are now open.

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