Who Are You Calling Leftovers?

barHighly educated female, successfully employed, and still single at 27? Then consider yourself a “Sheng Nu,” China’s nickname for “leftover woman”.

Coined by the questionably feminist All-China Women’s Federation in 2007, the term Sheng nu has recently found itself crossing China’s border and into social news feeds and articles all over the world. With some websites calling the term an affront to all women, and others posting their own advice on “How Not to Become a Sheng nu.” Sheng nu has become the new buzzword for women between the ages of 27-30 who have “failed” to marry.

Seen as derogatory and adding to the ever-present pressure from friends and family of these women, Sheng nu has become the Chinese alpha woman’s most dreaded label. After years of studying and long hours at the office, instead of these women being seen as role models, they are culturally ridiculed.

One less than enlightened commentator describes these women as those who “hope to further their education in order to increase their competitiveness. But the tragedy, is that they don’t realize that as women age, they are worth less and less.

One less than enlightened commentator describes these women as those who “hope to further their education in order to increase their competitiveness. But the tragedy, is that they don’t realize that as women age, they are worth less and less. So by the time they get their MA or PhD, they are already old- like yellowed pearls.”

While some women have bowed to social pressure,quitting their jobs and bowing back into the kitchen, the term has revealed the rise of the modern Chinese woman. Financially stable,with property of their own, and culturally rounded, these modern Chinese women are enjoying their days of singledom, and have worked too hard to let anyone take it away.

By CheRima Manayan





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