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Search for gandhi

London| 31.01.2014

Yesterday 30th Jan was death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi which also got a new and unique makeover . Sam Pitroda, advisor to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, has launched a web portal, first of its kind for children – they can search for all kinds of information on the father of the nation.

It was officialy launched via twitter using a virtual confernece where hundreds participated from around the world. It will be launched in United Kingdom today at Gandhi Hall, Indian High Commision in London.


The portal presents Mahatma Gandhi’s life story through audios, videos, games and quizzes.

Janhavi Prasada, Founder Youth4Gandhi Foundation, a non-profit initiative for youth empowerment tweeted, “I as founder @y4gandhi feel morally responsible to disseminate Gandhian values in various formats”.

AGI will be interviewing Janhavi Prasad and Sam Pitroda at topday’s London launch.

Follow and #searchforgandhi to tweet and follow the story on twitter.

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