A bittersweet comedy of heartache and loneliness.
Ever feel like life is rushing past too fast to keep up? Five sexy, sassy and cynical twenty-somethings come together at a less than glamorous speed-dating event. Come and eavesdrop as a banker in denial, a writer with a hang-up, a publicist with a penchant for sexagenarians, a jilted musician and a shrink with a secret all reveal their misanthropy and secret desires in this wry modern comedy.
Directed by Poonam Brah
Design by Alice Hoult
Lighting by Prema Mehta
Tue 3 -Sat 7 Dec 7.30pm
Tristan Bates Theatre
1A Tower St London WC2H 9NP
5mins from Leicester Square Station Map
Box Office 020 7240 6283
Email boxoffice@tristanbatestheatre.co.uk
Online www.tristanbatestheatre.co.uk
Tickets £12 (Concessions £9)