Foundations, Dreams and Reality


Every dream has a reality, and every reality has a dream. It’s almost a year since foundations of this publication were laid, and plans were made, a year has passed, and it feels just like yesterday. The first year is always challenging as it is filled with ups and downs.The foundations of hard work, struggle and constantly preparing for the unexpected, these foundations are crucial as they determine the road ahead.

Hence, to celebrate the first anniversary of AGI (Asian Global Impact) we decided to focus on the theme of foundation. This issue focuses on the foundations of the new Chinese dream. President Xi Jinping’s used the term new Chinese dream during his commencement speech in 2012. AGI editorial team investigates what China’s new dream means to the world that how does the decidedly individualistic American Dream, which in a nutshell can be summarised  as an indefatigable right to, “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” for all, translate to Communist society?

While we contemplate China’s new dream, our guest columnists, Nirmalya Kumar (London Business School) and Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp (Kenan-Flagler Business School) look into strategies which Chinese brands will use to breakout into the western market in the future.

This issue also focuses on green growth strategies of South Korea, Innovation in Taiwan and Qatar as the pearl of the gulf. In lounge section, for the first time we focus on Middle- Eastern fashion delicacy and grace by Saudi Arabian designer Razan Al Azzouni who is a young Middle Eastern Fashion designer embracing culture whilst incorporating them in her contemporary designs.

Each summer brings new promises, promises which make dreams come into reality and realties which make us dream bigger than before. The sun has shined brighter than before , and we hope it does the same on our publication as we strive to make our foundations for the coming years. Our next issue focuses on creativity and innovation in the fields of the art & design.
Do not miss on our next issue subscribe to our digital issue as we lay foundations for our digital strategy in the upcoming year.

Ramita Tejpal
Editor & Managing Director