Are you ready to be a Leader?

Event Type: Business
Venue: London Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 33 Queen Street, EC4R 1AP
Date: 14th May, 2013
Time: 18:45 to 20:45
Price: Free

JCI London Business team is doing some great projects in London this year. Read below, and please come to our Leaders Meeting if you want to be part of some great projects.

We welcome the following JCI Members and Non-members to this meeting
1) People who want to lead or be part of some great JCI Business Projects.
2) People who are experts on Leadership, Management, Marketing, Sales, PR, Social Media, Art, Print Media – To help, mentor and guide the team to success.

Why Why Why should you decide to challenge yourself and volunteer for taking a leadership role?

Few Answers we received from our leaders are:

1) You might have attended lot of training events on how to lead a team; or how to run an event. But running an event yourself is the best way to learn and master the tricks.

2) By running an event or being part of the project team; you will benefit by knowing few things

  • Marketing : To effectively use Social Media to market and promote your event
  • Promotions & PR – to effectively promote our event in Media, handle the PR activities
  • Sales: Using Eventbrite and Affiliate Partnerships to increase Sales
  • Proposals and Sponsorship: How to prepare and present your proposals; and get Sponsors
  • Customer Experience: How to run an event which provides the best experience to your guests
  • Team Management: How to be part of a team; and lead activities assigned to your team.
  • Project Managemet: How to prepare a project plan, estimates, schedules and run a project within the time, cost and scope constraints.
  • Risk Management: You will learn how to anticipate risks and avoid it. And if forced, how to overcome it.

3) In the end of it all, you will be known to many, a life-long friend to your team; and would have shaken your hands with the top people in London. Above all, satisfied that you had fun doing what you did.

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