23 year old fights for life and India fights for Justice

22.12.2012 | New Delhi

The Indian political leadership faces pressure to respond at the earliest as thousands of protesters are gathered outside India’s President House and India Gate in New Delhi. Many of these protests are planned all over India after the recent gang rape case, which took place in a public bus” in the ‘capital of India'”. The incident left the 23 year old girl in critical condition fighting for her life in the hospital.

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The protests are still taking place, and no formal representation or statement “by the Indian government “is released until now. The youth demands justice and tougher regulations on the rape cases in India. During last few years, Delhi has earned the title of ‘Rape Capital’ of India.

All the six accused in the gangrape case are now arrested annd it has been reported that Delhi Police and Court fast tracked the case and has acheived this success in record timing.

Chhaya Sharma DCP, South Delhi police in a press conference on 22 Dec,2012 narrates that how Delhi Police caught Raju, the sixth suspect of the gang rape.

Background of Raju

Raju was born in a family to a mentally instable father and mother who used to look after sevene other kids. At an early age,he came to Delhi with his uncle to work in Tirlokpuri and was working on a local Dhaba (roadside restaurant) and later started working at various other jobs which involved more pay. He worked with various bus agencies and was employed for his excellent skills of selling and voice of calling out to passengers.

Search of Raju

Raju’s search involved three teams of Delhi Police.They were only working with the name and information which was provided by Ram Singh, the prime accused of the case, who police at times thought was unreliable.

The STF (Special Task Force),special staff team and SHO of Kotla of Mubarkpur were deployed to carry out the search and in this investigation sub-inspectors, and head constables were working with the three teams.

The biggest challenge which the team faced was that there was no permanent address and any picture of Raju. Only Ram Singh, the prime accused of the case knew him.

The other four suspects had no clue about him and met him on 16, December 2012 afternoon. According to Ram Singh, Raju sleeps on the buses and is a vagabond. Ram Singh also informed police that he owed Raju, Rs. 8000 and; hence, he used to call him several times.

Ram Singh recalled that he got a call from one of his friends requesting Ram Singh to return money from a PCO (Public Telephone Booths in India) in Delhi. Tracing the PCO, police reached the PCO in Karkarduma, the friend who called for Raju left the job and police was left the only option but to enquire Mr. Bhatia who is the owner of the PCO, Mr. Bhatia informed police that Raju came to look for a job at his PCO and for that he did earlier checks with his previous employers.

Police tracked all employers and found out, Raju used to work with local bus routes. However, after interviewing many people on the fourth day of investigation, police was successful to arrest ten Raju working on the routes mentioned by the employers. All of them were brought for verification. None of these matched and police almost felt saddened as they were losing time.

Final Crackdown

Crucial information came when they were informed of two more Raju who were left unverified. And work on the same route. Both of them were brought for identification and one of them was verified as Raju , who was with Ram Singh on the day of the crime.

However, this Raju carried a mobile phone which was denied by Ram Singh earlier . During investigation, it was found that they looted a vegetable vendor earlier that day and Raju kept the mobile phone.

Sadly, he also possessed the ATM ( Credit Card) of the girl, who fights for her life in the hospital. Doctors say, that condition of the 23 year old victim in now stable.

As we write, India awaits Justice.


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