Lord Shiva : Re-creation Needs Destruction

We continue to tell stories which impact on all of us; and we are always looking for new ones. This search led to a lengthy discussion about the cover of the Dec/Jan issue of AGI.

With this cover, we wanted to tell stories both of 2012, as well as look forward 2013. I realised that we had set ourselves a huge challenge. However, sometimes, to represent complex thoughts and ideas can be quite simple if you can think of a suitable ‘picture’; that is how we came up with Shiva! Who else can represent both destruction and re-creation at the same time? Lord Shiva is the third god of the Hindu triumvirate (three males holding power!) – the other two being Brahma (the creator of universe) and Vishnu (the preserver). Shiva’s role is to destroy the universe in order to re-create it. A fitting image, especially as the Mayan Calendar indicates that the world will end in December 2012!

Shiva, the destroyer or transformer, represents this transition. If December 2012 is, indeed, the end of the world, we believe it signals the end of mankind’s shortcomings and a promise for a better future.

The destruction of illusions and shortcomings, and making way for change, is part of the Hindu belief system, but this destruction is just a prelude to new creation. Shiva, the destroyer or transformer, represents this transition. If December 2012 is, indeed, the end of the world, we believe it signals the end of mankind’s shortcomings and a promise for a better future. But there is also another deeper reason why we thought Lord Shiva should be on the cover of this issue. During our deliberations, we realised that 2013 is the ‘Year of the Snake’ -according to the Chinese calendar. We also wanted to depict this and were absolutely thrilled when Shiva, who has a Cobra wrapped around him like a necklace, presented himself as the key motif for the cover. This may be sheer coincidence but we think there is more to it than that. Our next challenge was to represent Lord Shiva in the context of the twenty-first century. Maggie Li, one of AGI’s illustrators, has done a sterling job in capturing what were mere words in our heads.

[frame src=”http://www.agimagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/399359_209266445875825_1583344433_n1.jpg” width=”300″ height=”370″ lightbox=”on” title=”On the Cover- Lord Shiva” align=”centre” ]


 During our deliberations, we realised that 2013 is the ‘Year of the Snake’ -according to the Chinese calendar. We also wanted to depict this and were absolutely thrilled when Shiva, who has a Cobra wrapped around him like a necklace, presented himself as the key motif for the cover.

So, this issue is a round-up of 2012 and a look forward to 2013. We give you Top 12 highlights from Asia which have had a deep impact on the lives of many people and, we believe, will be agents of change in the coming years. The double issue also includes brief features on Asian leaders from the past, investment guidelines, Obama’s trip to South-Asia and much more. The Lifestyle section takes you back to childhood, to days of storytelling and, this time, our cover shoot takes inspiration from Asian fairytales.

We travel this December to bring you stories from around Asia, and plans are afoot to open up AGI offices in Singapore and India. While we are busy building these intellectual and cultural bridges, we wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Sit back and enjoy this BUMPER issue of AGI during the festive season.

Finally, on behalf of the AGI team, I would like to say that the previous six months (and the journey so far) have been amazing; this wouldn’t have been possible without YOUR support and encouragement.
Thank YOU!


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