The Chinese Designer Duo Behind Cacherel

With any relationship, it can take some time before you find the ‘one’, but this time, Cacherel has found two, Ling Liu and Dawei Sun. 

ounded in 1962, Cacherel is known for their perfume portfolio and the creation of the seersucker blouse that landed them the cover of Elle in 1963.  But until recently,  Cacherel was infamous for having ten years of designers revolving through their Parisian doors.  From a six year affair with  husband and wife team Suzanne Clements and Inacio Riberio, to a brief fling with Mark Eley and Wakako Kishimoto that lasted only two seasons, not to mention  Cedric Charlier’s inauspicious stint in 2011,  Liu and Sun ultimately take over a well-worn pair of reins.

Liu and Sun promise to be the duo that brings Cacherel the breath of fresh air the brand has been waiting for.  Cacherel is one of the first major designers to appoint creative directors from China, citing the “Freshness” of the designers as a major motivator.

Fresh is definitely what Liu and Sun bring, and the duo’s history brings is a story of loyal friendship.  Liu and Sun first met while studying at L’Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture in France, and from then their friendship has blossomed, strengthened by the ups and downs of their mutual careers in the intervening years.  Between them, they have worked with some of fashions biggest designers.  Liu has put in time with Nicholas Ghesquiere at Balenciaga and Stefano Pilati at Yves Saint Laurent, and Sun has designed at Lolita Lempicka, with Balenciaga, and also John Galliano.

The pair’s first collection with Cacherel – Spring-Summer 2012 collection – brought mixed reviews.  But with the latest Spring-Summer 2013 collection, it became obvious they have found their niche.  Described as charming, the collection is a combination of Cacherel’s ultra-feminine traits and the duo’s origami craftsmanship, creating wearable shapes for  woman who enjoy their luxury with an air of girlish fun.

By CheRima Manayan

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