Happy Anniversary Kitsune Maison!

In 2002, Gilda Loaec and Masaya Kuroki were just passionate about chasing their music and fashion dreams. Ten years on, and their Parisian label, Kitsune Maison, is one of the most influential in the world.

tarting out as a music producer, Gilda Loaec was working in Paris with artists like Daft Punk and Thomas Banglater’s record label Roulé, until Masaya Kuroki came along.  Masaya Kuroki, born in Tokyo, moved to Paris at the age of twelve. Call it serendipity between the artists, but it was during a trip to Japan when the idea of infusing music and fashion was born.  Named after the Japanese word for fox, Kitsune, the animal known for its intelligence and magical shape shifting ability, the label name truly represents the dichotomy of Kitsune Maison. While smart and classy Parisian style adorns, it’s the bass pumping explosive electro beats that rules the mind and titillates the body.

In celebration of their anniversary, Kitsune Maison has created a limited edition “Tenth Anniversary” line including the rare Polo Kitsune, which only 200 have been made, along with the Kitsune bags and keychains decorated with the label’s fox.  For their beats devotees, Kitsune Maison just released their newest compilation, Kitsune Maison 14: The 10th Anniversary Issue.  And no celebration would be complete without Kitsune’s own artists, featuring the likes of Etienne De Crecy, Punks Jump Up, and Nancy Wang lining up to throw the Winter Season Party in Paris and at London. Express yourself with fashion, but lose yourself to joie de vivre.

By CheRima Manayan

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