Indi-pop Meets David Guetta!

British-Indian singing sensation Sophie Choudry recently released her first digital single, and it’s causing a ‘hungama’ online!

 What made you switch to a digital platform for this single?
Everyone’s switching to digital nowadays; increasingly, fans are downloading songs or buying them off the net rather than at a store. The trend now is to buy a song rather than an album, hence I decided to produce just this single online. Although being the perfectionist that I am, the entire process took nine months to complete, so I might as well have brought out an album! (laughs)

Why did you choose to remix an old hit rather than record an original?
It wasn’t a deliberate decision, it just happened. I was chatting with Vishal and Shekhar about doing a digital release when they suggested I remix one of my own earlier hits. That’s how the idea of doing a remix came about. We chose and vetoed a couple of songs, until I heard Hungama Ho Gaya… I instantly fell in love with it! The song had so much potential. I wanted to make a Bollywood song into a pop video and I think I succeeded because my version is completely different from the original.

[quote align=”center” color=”#b64736″]The trend now is to buy a song rather than an album[/quote]

Describe your version…
For starters, I re-wrote the lyrics because the original lyrics seemed outdated for today’s generation.  I also experimented with different sounds as I wanted to give the song a completely different feel. The aim was to make a commercial Hindi David Guetta kind of song.

You say this is your hottest video yet…
It is! I wanted to create a visual ‘hungama’ – the video had to be insanely hot but classy because that’s always been my style. The video’s storyline was also conceptualized by me – I wanted it to have an international look

So is digital the future of music?
Almost everything, from shopping to fashion, is now online, and looking at current global trends, yes, even music is going digital. It’s convenient, it’s easy and it’s what fans now want. Record stores are going at a loss, which is sad, but that’s just the way it is.

[youtube height=”150″ width=”300″][/youtube]


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