A Change Agent- the #BeProud Movement

Change is the only constant! 

 often start my teaching sessions on Quality Management with this mantra and go on to talk about change at professional and societal levels. However, I have never fully appreciated that in reality change can be very difficult to accept, even painful, at a personal level. This November edition of AGI is very close to my heart as we touch upon subjects that have the potential to bring change in society and to individual lives. While we were working with enthusiasm to complete the fourth issue of AGI, and getting ready to send it to the printers, I received news of the demise of my grandfather, and the inevitable process of grieving has followed. The loss is, of course, irreplaceable but, in spite of the sadness, I am trying to see death as a change agent for new life.

The late Onkar Nath Tejpal, was the Head Teacher of a Government School in a small Panjabi village, TarnTarn, near Amritsar, India. He lived a life of dignity and was admired by many who came into contact with him. An ardent reader, it was he who inspired me to read newspapers and magazines with him. Such reading sessions often ended up in lengthy discussions about politics, geography or emerging political leaders. (I now work as a Business Studies Lecturer and Editor of AGI magazine). Grandfather was also very knowledgeable about homeopathy and other forms of alternative medicines. The whole village relied on him for prescriptions. I still don’t know the source of his knowledge about alternative medicines but such is the nature of these ancient remedies; the knowledge is centuries old and passed on from one generation to another. It seems ironic that this November issue of AGI has a feature on alternative medicines. This coincidence reminds me that my grandfather’s lessons and stories will remain with me forever and I will continue to try and make him proud.

The Oxford Dictionary defines pride as a feeling of deep pleasure and satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities,possessions or those of someone withwhom one is closely associated. Yet, how often do we stop being proud of identity, our own achievements and ourselves? In this issue, we are lending our support to the #BeProud Campaign – a foundation launched by Gurbaksh Chahal, the internet advertising multi-millionaire to #EndHate. In an exclusive interview with AGI, Gurbaksh talks about his achievements and role models, including his grandmother. Moved by recent tragedies resulting from hate crimes, the BeProud Campaign will be launched on 2 November New York City at the Sikh Films Arts Gala. By the way, the coincidences relating to this November AGI issue continue as I learn that Gurbaksh’s parents come from same village where my grandfather taught all his life.

[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ndeUGmL7Ak&feature=g-all-u[/youtube]


The November issue of AGI also highlights Imran Khan and his rising popularity in Pakistan, new business ventures in Mongolia, Burma’s response to its new found limelight and much more. As I write this month’s editorial, we are also busy moving offices; we need more space as we continue to expand and the new energy and buzz is ever more exciting. A change of space provides new surroundings, new opportunities and the possibility of new networks that will inevitably bring about change.

[quote align=”center” color=”#b64736″]Change can be sudden, sad and unexpected but it remains the only constant. So, let us embrace change, and aim to bring about change in our own and the lives of others. BeProud, and join hands in promoting Gurbaksh’s campaign to #EndHate. [/quote]

As we wrapped our  November issue of AGI which is now available on stands, plans are afoot for AGI Breakfast Briefings on Asia, joint events with the South Asian Literature Festival and AGI Forums to be held during the coming months.And to Join the BeProud Movement go to http://www.beproud.org

Oh, don’t forget to wrap up warm as winter is knocking on the door!

Love and Warmth,

Ramita Tejpal

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