Brickhouse competition winner announced

And the winner is……….

Wendy Lam.

Thank you Wendy for sending us your fabulous recipe for Golden Tofu of Stuffed Treasures. We really enjoyed reading all your entries and have decided to publish the winner and the runner up.

Here’s Wendy’s recipe;


55g minced pork
55g coarsely chopped shrimps
1/3 medium carrot, minced
1 dried shiitake mushroom, soaked and minced
1/2 beaten egg
1 garlic clove, peeled and minced
1 tbsp sesame oil (optional)
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp soya sauce
1 tsp corn flour
1 tsp Shaoxing wine (optional)
1/2 tsp ground white pepper
1 box of firm tofu (300g)
Vegetable oil (for pan-frying)

1 tbsp mince garlic
100ml water
1.5 tbsp soya sauce
1.5 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tbsp chicken powder stock or bouillon
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tbsp starch solution (1/2 tbsp corn flour + 1/2 tbsp water)
1/4 cup sliced spring onion

1) In a mixing bowl combine the minced pork and shrimps and then the rest of the filling ingredients together. Mix them well until throughly combined.

2) Then divide your block of firm tofu into squares approximately 5x5cm, although size is optional (you can even have triangle blocks to make them more festive)

3) Using a spoon, hollow out a hole in the centre of each of the tofu block to leave room to place the filling in

4) Coat the inner hole of each tofu block that you just created with additional cornflour

5) Using a teaspoon stuffed the holes of each of tofu blocks with the vegetable and meat filling until it sticks out 1cm from the tofu itself.

6) Heat 3 tbsp of vegetable oil in a pan and gently place the tofu block with the meat filling side faced down first to insure that the meat is well cooked first and cook for 2-3 minutes or until slightly golden and then repeat again for 2-3 minutes on the other side with the meat facing

7)Add another tablespoon of oil into the pan and start by add the mince garlic and give it one minute to brown before adding the water. Bring to the boil.

8) Then continue to add the soya sauce, oyster sauce, chicken powder stock and the sugar into the pan with the tofu.

9) Braise for 6 minutes before adding the starch solution to thicken the sauce.

10) When tofu is done remove each one at a time onto a serving plate and pour the remaining sauce to coat it.

11) Finish the dish off by garnishing the tofu with the sliced spring onion and served with rice.

And the runner up is…


Nicola Casey

Thai Butternut Squash and Prawn curry

Serves 4 hungry people.

400ml reduced fat coconut milk
2 tbs thai curry paste (I buy it but you can make your own)
350 ml veg stock (I like swiss bouillion)
½ teaspoon of turmeric
1 large butternut squash, peeled and chopped into pieces (the smaller the better).
500g preferred fish or meat (I like prawns or salmon with this), cut into bite sized pieces
½ green pepper
½ red pepper
2 Pack Choi, chopped
Spinach (a few cubes of frozen spinach works a treat)
Optional – Pinch of chilli or cayenne pepper if you like a kick
Optional- chopped fresh coriander, to  taste


  1. Heat a large pan and add the paste with ¼ of the coconut milk. Blend together over the heat until bubbling.
  2. Add the rest of the coconut milk, turmeric, chilli if using and stock. Stir.
  3. Once boiling, add the butternut squash.
  4. After the squash has softened, get a potato masher and mash the squash into the rest of the sauce. The squash should be soft enough to create a thick and smooth sauce. At this point you can take the sauce off the boil and freeze for future use. You could freeze half if you were only cooking for 2 of you, and then half the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Add the salmon or fish/meat substitute
  6. After 3 minutes add peppers and any chick peas or butter beans you are adding and cook for 2 minutes until soft.
  7. Add the finer veg (mushrooms, Spinach, pak choi, peas – anything you else have to chuck in!)
  8. Squeeze in your lime and add the coriander and give a good stir.
  9. Serve with rice, wedges, noodles- anything you fancy!



Thank you so much to everyone who entered, it was a really tough decision.

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