Social Media Sign Ups Increasing in Developing Asia


Facebook growth may have tapered off in the U.S., but it is booming elsewhere in the world. A recent study by Jana shows that Facebook users in emerging Asian countries such as India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines check the site constantly from their phones.

Jana polled more than 2,000 Facebook users in those countries, asking them about their usage and whether or not they’d use Facebook more often in the future.

When asked how often they check Facebook, more than 50 percent of people surveyed in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines said they do so more than 5 times per day.


Many respondents also said they plan to use Facebook more often in the future. Only 9.75 percent of those surveyed said they’ll use Facebook less often.

  • Malaysia: 56.67 percent
  • Philippines: 46.80 percent
  • Vietnam: 46.76 percent
  • India: 42.35 percent
  • Indonesia: 37.87 percent

Most people surveyed also said they prefer to check Facebook from a mobile phone.

  • Malaysia: 71.67 percent
  • India: 67.99 percent
  • Indonesia: 64.62 percent
  • Vietnam: 55.87 percent
  • Philippines: 51.42 percent

Most people said they primarily use Facebook when they’re at home, with just before going to bed a second most-popular answer. In Indonesia, 46.68 percent of those surveyed copped to checking Facebook while they were with friends.

Jana then wondered what people did while on Facebook. While reading News Feed was the most popular answer in Indonesia and the Philippines, users in India and Vietnam were more apt to use Facebook as a messaging platform.

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Users were also surveyed on what brands they follow on Facebook, with Nokia and Samsung being popular choices.

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Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

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