Chinese Harry Potter Conjures Fortune


The Harry Potter series may have come to an end in 2008, but the magic lives on for one canny Chinese entrepreneur, who is earning over £100,000 every month with an online spell emporium.

Hunan based Luo Shan, age 31, launched his paranormal problem solving service last October, and since then has been living the start-up dream.

His clients come to him with all manner of problems- the lovesick, the bereaved, the guilty, and the people who hate their brother-in-law all come banging at his door for his mystical spells.

According to Mr Luo, “Writing spells is a sacred thing… [You must] calm your heart, shower and change clothes [and] be guided by the Holy Spirit.”

Although he began his career by training as an accountant, it soon became clear that higher powers beckoned. Two years into his course at Changsha University of Science and Technology, Mr Luo switched to studying the ancient Chinese art of fengshui, explaining that, “I witnessed many quite mysterious scenes and I wanted to find the answers.”

He started working as a freelance feng shui consultant in 2002, advising on auspicious dates and day to day advice.

Last year he shifted into the world of e-commerce, opening an online store on Taobao, the Chinese version of Amazon. He now sells over 160 different spells and related items, capitalising on the new market of China’s 538 million internet users.

In June the store sold 2,825 spells, with the most popular item being a £33 love charm.

Although coy about revealing his total net worth, Mr Lui is adamant that he will remain true to his teachings, and channel any huge profits into philanthropic works, telling one reporter, “If I really become rich in the future I will build a football field in my hometown where there is no football field yet [and] open it free of charge for the kids to play on. Or [I will] build a primary school where the kids can develop according to their own interests – or perhaps build a Taoist temple.”

Spells on offer in Mr Lui’s Store:

1. The [build] good relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law spell, improves relations between the two

2. The abortion atonement spell: a spell for driving away the evil spirits [caused by abortion] and soothing the baby’s spirit

3. The villain prevention spell: wards off criminals

4. The debt-chasing spell: make your debtor upset so he returns your money

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